Welcome to MISR 2000 Medical Conferences

The Second Armed Forces Psychiatric Conference The Second Armed Forces Psychiatric Conference

The Second Armed Forces Psychiatric Conference

from date : 2015-04-08 to date : 2015-04-10

Location : Armed Forces Medical Complex- Kobry El Qobba

Chairman : Gen. Dr. Mohammed Reda Al Feki
Field : Psychiatry

Contact Details : misr_2000@hotmail.com

Main Topics

1) practice of psychiatry in military settings.
2) pros and cons of mental health law no. 71 in egypt.
3) Effects of revolution on Egyptian mental health.
4) The relation between psychiatry and some branches of medicine.
5) Worthiness of Psychological assessment in Psychiatric Practice.
6) The biological therapies and cognitive behavioral therapy, alternatives or completing each other?
7) Mental health changes of donors & recipients after transplantations.
8) Arts & sports in management of mental illness.
9) Criticizing recent classifications.
10) Updates in child psychiatry.
11) Updates in old age psychiatry.
12) Highlighting important points in addiction medicine.